Household Automation Household Automation
Est: 1999
Fault finding and repair
Household Automation is frequently asked to attend houses where an old or obsolete installation has been left with no back up or support. Our team of engineers have a wealth of experience of different manufacturers both past and present. In many instances we still have access to refurbished parts or equipment and old software.

If in doubt or you have a specific problem contact.
Project Update: 10 years later
This article was written by a past customer who wanted to comment on a job we carried out about 10 years on… This is an article that tries to explain my experiences of going from home automation novice, working out what I was trying to achieve, working with a specialist installer, implementing and finally living […]
Major new incentive for energy efficient lighting control
giraG1Household Automation has been vigorously campaigning over the past few years to gain 0% VAT rating for lighting control in new build properties. MD of Household Automation Ltd; Andy Ellis reports… This month HMRC have published Notice 708: Buildings and Construction – August 2014. For the first time intelligent lighting (not including remote control hand […]
SONOS: Should we still be building music libraries?
sonos_3bigIn keeping with my recent run of posts relating to the Sonos multiroom audio system I thought I would tackle the decisions made by many digital music enthusiasts. Namely, should I build a music library and if so, how and where should I store it? In today’s world of digital content, deciding what to do […]